Details of the Open Business Quiz on Sunday 12 October at Vista, IIM-B’s Business Fest:

“On behalf of team VISTA, I invite you to VISTA 2008 and our business quiz Bizarre to be conducted on October 12th in IIM-Bangalore. This year the quiz will be hosted by Barry O Brien with the prelims slotted
to begin around 4 30 PM and then the finals to begin around 7 PM in the night.

Looking forward to see you at the event.

Can I request you to share this message with other acquaintances of yours in the quizzing circle who may be interested to attend this event?”

The KQA Open Quiz scheduled for Sunday 12 October will start at 13:30hrs and end by about 16:00hrs so as to allow those interested in attending the IIM quiz to make it in time.
Thank you
Arul Mani